On 18 and 19 November the GRE@T-PIONEeR project held its annual plenary. In a hybrid format, participants connected online and on-site in Brussels.
Day 1
The 2-day event began with a workshop that aimed at sharing findings from the first activities of the project, from the gaps between the requirements for new skills in the nuclear industry and the existing training offers on the market, to the future trends in the nuclear industry and the innovative teaching methods currently being used.
Insightful keynotes and presentations were given by Thomas Callum from Thomas Thor associates about the workforce in the nuclear industry, and from Frédéric Fol Leymarie from Goldsmiths University of London about innovative teaching methods.
Finally, the live workshop gave the opportunity to the participants to discuss how the teaching methods could be improved in order to optimise active learning.
Discussing the innovative teaching methods presented during the workshop
Afterwards the coordinator Christophe Demazière welcomed the partners and introduced the plenary event. The Project Officer from the European Commission then presented the new Euratom Work Programme, giving some statistics and useful information for current and future projects. The partners had their turn to present their work package updates and progress over the first year. Many of the presentations described or led to discussions of the format and content of the courses that will be taught in the GRE@T-PIONEeR project.
The participants on-site were also able to chat and connect over coffee breaks and dinner on the 18th, sampling some classic Belgian food.
The GRE@T-PIONEeR consortium on-site and online!
Day 2
The second day started with presentations of the work packages that were not included on the first day. Christophe Demazière presented the results of work package 1 including the results from a mapping of competencies, skills, etc. in the nuclear sector. Work package 8 was also presented, summing-up the communication & dissemination materials and activities such as the project website, the social media profiles, and the roll-up. There were then reminders from the management side of the project, and an emphasis on keeping publications and results Open Access.
Left to right: Coordinator Christophe Demazière from Chalmers University, Diana Cuervo Gómez, & Nuria Garcia Herranz from Universidad Politécnica De Madrid enjoying a coffee break
Christian Stöhr gave a presentation on hybrid teaching techniques, demonstrating different ways that this can be put in place and the challenges and benefits of these new methods of teaching when compared to a traditional classroom setting.
After the project updates, the @GREATPIONEeR_EU meeting features a very interesting presentation by Christian Stöhr from @chalmersuniv on #hybridteaching, which can be a challenging but innovative way to evolve #teaching methods 👩🏫 👨💻 pic.twitter.com/ELB6nhjwKU — GRE@T-PIONEeR (@GREATPIONEeR_EU) November 19, 2021
Talía Cardeñosa Fernandez from Tecnatom connected online to provide a demonstration of the Learning Management System that will be used in the project: SOUL (Smart Open Universe of Learning).
The remaining of the meeting was dedicated to discussing the procedures adopted by the consortium to develop the various teaching resources.
It was a very productive and interesting assembly of partners and external stakeholders, for those that were present on-site and those who connected digitally. Sign up to our newsletter to keep up-to-date with the project’s progress and hear more on the courses.