
Find resources from the project here, including publications, media and public reports:


PRESENTATION: Demazière C. and C. Stöhr, A meta-analysis of student engagement, performance and satisfaction from the GRE@T-PIONEeR hybird flipped courses. Conference on Teaching and Learning (Konferens om Undervisning och Lärande – KUL2024), Chalmers University of Technology, Gothenburg, Sweden, April 5, 2024.  Download

PRESENTATION: Demazière C., Experience from the GRE@T-PIONEeR project. European Nuclear Education Network (ENEN) special event 2024 – Nuclear Skills in Europe – The Impact of E&T, Brussels, Belgium, February 29, 2024.  Download

PAPER: Demazière C., Stöhr C., Zhang Y., Cabellos O., Dulla S., Garcia-Herranz N., Miró R., Macian R., Szieberth M., Lange C., Hursin M. and Strola S., Enhancing higher education through hybrid and flipped learning: Experiences from the GRE@T-PIONEeR project. Nuclear Engineering and Design, 417, 113028 (2024). Download


PRESENTATION: Zhang Y., Evolving professional development in nuclear reactor physics and safety through hybrid learning environments. Conf. Society for Research into Higher Education (SRHE2023), Birmingham, United Kingdom, December 4 and 6-8, 2023.  Download

PAPER: Zhang Y., Stöhr C., Strömberg S., Kabo J. and Demazière C., Evolving professional development in nuclear reactor physics and safety through hybrid learning environments. Proc. Conf. Society for Research into Higher Education (SRHE2023), Birmingham, United Kingdom, December 4 and 6-8, 2023. Download

PRESENTATION: Demazière C. and Stöhr C., Teaching advanced courses in hybrid learning environments and using active learning techniques – Experience from the GRE@T-PIONEeR project. Talk at the Seminar Series of the Subatomic, High Energy and Plasma Physics Division, Department of Physics, Chalmers University of Technology, Gothenburg, Sweden, November 24, 2023.  Download

PAPER: Cuervo D., Garcia Herranz N., Cabellos O. and Queral C., Participation of UPM in GRE@T-PIONEeR, a European project for educative innovation in nuclear engineering. 48th Annual Meeting of the Spanish Nuclear Society (SNE), Toledo, Castilla-La Mancha, Spain, October 4-6, 2023. Download

PRESENTATION: Demazière C., Gomez J. and Stöhr C., Teaching advanced computational and experimental reactor physics in hybrid learning environments using active learning techniques – Experience from the GRE@T-PIONEeR project. Webinar in the series “Past-student and experts webinars in nuclear energy – Academic Year 2023-2024”, online, October 6, 2023.  Download

PAPER: Pavel G. L., Starflinger J., Demazière C., Simola K., Němec M. and Čerba Š., Education, training and mobility, knowledge management: towards a common effort to ensure a future workforce in Europe and abroad. EPJ Nuclear Science and Technology, 9, 21, May 2023. Download

PRESENTATION: Demazière C. and Stöhr C., Monitoring and supporting students in their learning – example of a flipped hybrid course. Conference on Teaching and Learning (Konferens om Undervisning och Lärande – KUL2023), Chalmers University of Technology, Gothenburg, Sweden, April 3, 2023. Download

PAPER: Demazière C. and Stöhr C., Monitoring and supporting students in their learning – Example of a flipped hybrid course. Proc. Chalmers Conference on Teaching and Learning (Konferens om Undervisning och Lärande – KUL2023), Chalmers University of Technology, Gothenburg, Sweden, April 3, 2023 (2023). Download

PRESENTATION : Szieberth M., GRE@T-PIONEeR: GRaduate Education Alliance for Teaching the PhysIcs and safety of NuclEar Reactors. European Nuclear Education Network Special Event 2023 – E&T Opportunities through EU funded projects, March 2, 2023, Brussels, Belgium. Download


PRESENTATION: Demazière C., Engaging students in computational and experimental reactor physics, European Nuclear Education Network (ENEN) special event 2021 Nuclear E&T – a young perspective, online, March 3 2022.  Download

PAPER: Cabellos O., Demazière C., Dulla S., Garcia-Herranz N., Miró R., Macian R., Szieberth M., Buchet E., Maurice S., and Strola S., GRE@T-PIONEeR: teaching the nuclear data pipeline using innovative pedagogical methods. Proc. 15th International Conference on Nuclear Data for Science and Technology (ND2022), July 24-29, 2022 (2022). Download

PRESENTATION: O. Cabellos, C. Demazière, N. Garcia-Herranz, S. Dulla, R. Miró, R. Macian, M. Szieberth, E. Buchet, S. Maurice and F. Errecart, Teaching the nuclear data pipeline within GRE@T-PIONEeR EU/H2020 project, JEFF Meeting – Machine Learning Session, April 27, 2022.  Download

PRESENTATION: Pavel G.L., Starflinger J., Demazière C., Simola K., Nemec M., and Cerba S., Education, training and mobility, knowledge management: Towards a common effort to ensure a future workforce in Europe and abroad. 10th European Commission Conference on EURATOM Research and Training in Safety of Reactor Systems (FISA 2022), Lyon, France, May 30-June 3, 2022. Download

PRESENTATION: Szieberth Máté, Demazière C., Innovatív módszerek a reaktorfizika oktatásában: a GRE@T-PIONEeR Horizont 2020 projekt bemutatása, XIX. Nuclear Technology Symposium of the Hungarian Nuclear Society., Budapest, Hungary, September 29-30, 2022. Download

POSTER: Demazière C., Cabellos O., Dullac S., Garcia-Herranz N., Miró R., Macian R., Szieberth M., Buchet E., Maurice S., and Errecart F., GRE@T-PIONEeR: Pioneering education in nuclear reactor physics and safety. 10th European Commission Conference on EURATOM Research and Training in Safety of Reactor Systems (FISA 2022), Lyon, France, May 30-June 3, 2022. Download


PRESENTATION: Demazière C., GRE@T-PIONEeR: Project overview and status. European Nuclear Education Network (ENEN) special event 2021 – Outlook of nuclear ETKM activities, online, March 4, 2021 (2021). Download

PRESENTATION: Demazière C., Cabellos O., Garcia-Herranz N., Dulla S., Miró R., Macian R., Szieberth M., Buchet E., Maurice S., and Errecart F., GRE@T-PIONEeR: Teaching computational and experimental reactor physics using innovative pedagogical methods. Proc. Conf. Nuclear Education and Training (NESTet2021), hybrid, Brussels, Belgium, November 15-17, 2021, European Nuclear Society (2021) Download

PAPER: Demazière C., Cabellos O., Garcia-Herranz N., Dulla S., Miró R., Macian R., Szieberth M., Buchet E., Maurice S., and Errecart F., GRE@T-PIONEeR: Teaching computational and experimental reactor physics using innovative pedagogical methods. Proc. Conf. Nuclear Education and Training (NESTet2021), hybrid, Brussels, Belgium, November 15-17, 2021, European Nuclear Society (2021) Download

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Project materials
Information Sheet


D1.1 GRE@T_PIONEeR Mapping analysis  – Pending validation. Download

D1.2 GRE@T-PIONEeR Operative Structure. Download

D2.1 GRE@T_PIONEeR Overview of the course package on nuclear data for energy and non energy applications – Pending validation. Download

D2.2 GRE@T-PIONEeR Selection of introductory webcasts on nuclear data for energy and non energy application. Download

D2.3 GRE@T-PIONEeR Developed course package on nuclear data for energy and nonenergy applications. Download

D3.1 GRE@T_PIONEeR Overview of the course package on neutron transport at the fuel cell and assembly levels – Pending validation. Download

D3.2 GRE@T-PIONEeR Selection of introductory webcasts on neutron transport at the fuel cell and assembly levels. Download

D3.3 GRE@T-PIONEeR Developed course package on neutron transport at the fuel cell and assembly levels. Download

D4.1 GRE@T_PIONEeR Overview of the course package on core modelling for core design. Download

D4.2 GRE@T_PIONEeR Selection of introductory webcasts on core modelling for core design. Download

D4.3 GRE@T_PIONEeR Developed course package on core modelling for core design. Download

D5.1 GRE@T_PIONEeR Overview of the course package on core modelling for transients. Download

D5.2 GRE@T_PIONEeR Selection of introductory webcasts on core modelling for transients. Download

D6.1 GRE@T_PIONEeR Overview of the course package on reactor transients, nuclear safety and uncertainty and sensitivity analysis. Download

D6.2 GRE@T_PIONEeR Selection of introductory webcasts on reactor transients nuclear safety and uncertainty and sensitivity analysis. Download

D7.1 GRE@T_PIONEeR Overview of the course package on radiation protection in nuclear environment. Download

D7.2 GRE@T_PIONEeR Selection of introductory webcasts on radiation protection in nuclear environment. Download

D8.1 GRE@T-PIONEeR Website – Pending validation. Download

More coming soon!